Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Two Phones

A journalist goes to the White House to interview President Bush. On the table he notices a red phone and a golden phone. Curious about those phones, he asks what
are they for.

"I use the red phone to speak to Russian President, and the golden one to speak to God", Bush replies.

"Speak to God? I did not know that was possible… Is that an expensive call?"

"$500 a minute", the American President replies.

A couple of months later the same journalist goes to Moscow to interview President Putin. On the table he also notices a red phone and a golden phone. Curious about those phones he asks, "What are they for?"

"I use the red phone to speak to American President and the golden one to speak to God", Putin replies.

"Speak to God? I did not know that was possible… Is that an
expensive call?"

"$500 a minute", the Russian President replies.

A couple of months later the same journalist goes to Haifa to interview
some members of the House of Justice. On the table he also notices a red phone and a golden phone. Curious about those phones he asks what are they for.

"We use the red phone to speak to the United Nations and the golden one to speak to God", one member replies.

"Speak to God? You also speak directly to God. That must be a very expensive call."

"5 cents a minute", the UHJ member replies.

"But why is it so cheap?", asks the reporter.

"Because it’s a local call", was the answer.


Blogger Unknown said...

This one pwned me.

12:35 PM  
Blogger brilliant star said...

good one!

4:57 AM  
Blogger gabi said...

EXCELENT! I know a Joke about baha'ì kittens, I'll send it to you!

10:12 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The funniest part is, none of them can agree on what God said!

9:08 PM  

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